Для получения стандартных Артефактов Doom, вы должны победить определенных монстров в Doom Gauntlet (локация Малас):
* Dark Fathers
* Darknight Creepers
* Fleshrenderers
* Impalers
* Shadow Knights
* Abyssmal Horrors
Артефакты падают непосредственно в ваш рюкзак (backpack).
Изредка вам могут упасть Enchanted Артефакты. Это Артефакты аналогичные по своим свойствам Фракционным Артефактам, но даются вам навсегда и носятся как обычные Артефакты (без учета фракции).
Помимо самих Артефактов в подземелье падают теперь рецепты на некоторые Артефакты, которые можно только смастерить самому:
- Bracelet of Primal Consumption
- Britches of Warding
- Cuffs of the Archmage
- Gloves of Feudal Grip
В таблице они также показаны со всеми свойствами.
Берёт за свои услуги - 1.000.000 золотых монет.
Он будет рад вас видеть на Базаре в Магинции, рядом с Петселлерами.
Новые выделенные артефакты Gabriel пока не выдаёт.
Выменять у него обычные Doom Артефакты на Enchanted Doom Артефакт - не возможно.
А также в вы можете найти в различных местах Doom подземелья артефакты, которые можно только украсть - Doom stealables Artifacts:
Blade of the Righteous
Weight: 7 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Demon Slayer
Hit Life Leech 87%
Hit Point Increase 10
Damage Increase 50%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15 - 16
Weapon Speed 3.5s
Strength Requirement 35
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255
The Inquisitor's Resolution
(возможно найти в виде Enchanted Артефакта)
Weight: 10 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 17%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 70
Durability: 255 / 255
Titan's Hammer
Zyronic Claw
- и прочие декоративные предметы.
Ægis Щит Эгида Weight: 8 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Self Repair 5 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Defense Chance Increase 15% Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 1% Strength Requirement 90 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Arcane Shield Arcane щит Weight: 5 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Spell Channeling Night Sight Defense Chance Increase 15% Faster Casting 1 Energy Resist 1% Strength Requirement 20 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Armor of Fortune Броня Фортуны Weight: 8 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Luck 200 Defense Chance Increase 15% Lower Reagent Cost 40% Physical Resist 2% Fire Resist 4% Cold Resist 3% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 4% Mage Armor Strength Requirement 35 Durability 255 / 255 |
Axe of the Heavens Топор Небес Weight: 8 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Lightning 50% Hit Chance Increase 15% Defense Chance Increase 15% Damage Increase 50% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 15 - 17 Weapon Speed 3.25s Strength Requirement 45 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Swordsmanship Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Double Strike Whirlwind Attack |
Blade of Insanity Клинок Безумия Weight: 6 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Stamina Leech 100% Stamina Regeneration 2 Swing Speed Increase 30% Damage Increase 50% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 11 - 13 Weapon Speed 2.5s Strength Requirement 25 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Swordsmanship Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Double Strike Armor Ignore |
Bone Crusher Костедробитель Weight: 17 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Lower Defense 50% Strength Bonus 10 Damage Increase 75% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 16 - 17 Weapon Speed 4s Strength Requirement 80 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Mace Fighting Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Crushing Blow Mortal Strike |
Bow of Infinite Swarms Лук с роем Weight: 5 Stones Swarm 20% Damage Increase 50% Hit Mana Leech 50% Hit Stamina Leech 50% Stamina Regeneration 3 Stamina Increase 8 Swing Speed Increase 30% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Speed 4s Range 10 Strength Requirement 45 Skill Required: Archery Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Armor Ignore Moving Shot |
Bracelet Of Health Браслет Здоровья Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Point Increase 5 Hit Point Regeneration 10 |
Bracelet of Primal Consumption Браслет Первичного расхода Weight: 1 Stone Luck 200 Damage Eater 6% Physical Resist 20% Fire Resist 20% Cold Resist 20% Poison Resist 20% Energy Resist 20% Durability: 255 / 255 |
Craft Art: требуется рецепт |
Breath of the Dead Дыхание Мертвых Weight: 3 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Harm 25% Hit Life Leech 100% Damage Increase 50% Spell Damage Increase 5% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 13 - 15 Weapon Speed 3s Strength Requirement 25 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Swordsmanship Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Paralyzing Blow Mortal Strike |
Britches of Warding Бриджи Караульного Weight: 7 Stones Hit Chance Increase 10% Lower Mana Cost 8% Stamina Increase 12 Random Damage Eater 9% Physical Resist 20% Fire Resist 20% Cold Resist 20% Poison Resist 20% Energy Resist 20% Strength Requirement 60 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Craft Art: требуется рецепт |
Cuffs of the Archmage Манжеты Archmage Weight: 2 Stones +15 Resisting Spells Mage Armor Mana Increase 5 Mana Regeneration 4 Spell Damage Increase 20% Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 15% Cold Resist 15% Poison Resist 15% Energy Resist 15% Strength Requirement 55 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Craft Art: требуется рецепт |
Divine Countenance Божественный Лик Weight: 2 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Intelligence Bonus 8 Mana Regeneration 2 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Resist 6% Fire Resist 9% Poison Resist 4% Energy Resist 25% Strength Requirement 10 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Frostbringer Подмораживатель Weight: 6 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Dispel 50% Stamina Regeneration 10 Damage Increase 50% Cold Damage 100% Weapon Damage 15 - 19 Weapon Speed 4.25s Range 10 Strength Requirement 30 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Archery Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Paralyzing Blow Mortal Strike |
Gauntlets of Nobility Перчатки Благородства Weight: 2 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Strength Bonus 8 Luck 100 Damage Increase 20% Physical Resist 18% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 1% Poison Resist 20% Energy Resist 3% Strength Requirement 40 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Glenda Дубинка Glenda Weight: 9 Stones Bone Breaker Damage Increase 100% Hit Lower Defense 70% Hit Mana Leech 20% Strength Bonus 16 Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 10 - 14 Weapon Speed 2.5s Strength Requirement 40 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Mace Fighting Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Shadow Strike Dismount |
Gloves of Feudal Grip Перчатки Жёсткого Захвата Weight: 2 Stone Damage Increase 30% Mana Regeneration 3 Hit Point Regeneration 3 Stamina Increase 8 Strength Bonus 8 Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 15% Cold Resist 15% Poison Resist 15% Energy Resist 15% Strength Requirement 75 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Craft Art: требуется рецепт |
Hat of the Magi Шляпа Волхвов Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Intelligence Bonus 8 Mana Regeneration 4 Spell Damage Increase 10% Fire Resist 5% Cold Resist 9% Poison Resist 20% Energy Resist 20% Strength Requirement 10 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Helm of Insight Шлем Проницательности Weight: 5 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Intelligence Bonus 8 Mana Increase 15 Mana Regeneration 2 Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Resist 5% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 2% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 17% Strength Requirement 80 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Holy Knight's Breastplate Кираса Священного Рыцаря Weight: 10 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Point Increase 10 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Physical Resist 35% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 2% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 2% Strength Requirement 95 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Hunter's Headdress Головной убор Охотника Weight: 4 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 +20 Archery Dexterity Bonus 8 Night Sight Hit Chance Increase 15% Physical Resist 2% Fire Resist 6% Cold Resist 23% Poison Resist 1% Energy Resist 7% Strength Requirement 10 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Возможен в виде Enchanted Артефакта |
Jackal's Collar Воротник Шакала Weight: 2 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Dexterity Bonus 15 Hit Point Regeneration 2 Physical Resist 5% Fire Resist 23% Cold Resist 17% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 2% Strength Requirement 45 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Legacy of the Dread Lord Наследие Ужасного Лорда Weight: 7 Stones Artifact Rarity 10 Spell Channeling Faster Cast Recovery 3 Swing Speed Increase 30% Damage Increase 50% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 17 - 18 Weapon Speed 3.75s Strength Requirement 45 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Swordsmanship Durability 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Paralyzing Blow Dismount |
Leggings of Bane Леггинсы Бэни Weight: 7 Stones Durability 100% Artifact Rarity 11 Stamina Increase 8 Hit Chance Increase 20% Physical Resist 4% Fire Resist 4% Cold Resist 4% Poison Resist 36% Energy Resist 2% Strength Requirement 60 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Midnight Bracers Полночные Нарукавники Weight: 2 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 +20 Necromancy Spell Damage Increase 10% Physical Resist 23% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 4% Poison Resist 2% Energy Resist 4% Mage Armor Strength Requirement 55 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Ornament of the Magician Украшение Чародея Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Faster Casting 2 Faster Cast Recovery 3 Lower Mana Cost 10% Lower Reagent Cost 20% Energy Resist 15% |
Ornate Crown of the Harrower Увенчание Харровера Weight: 3 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Point Regeneration 2 Stamina Regeneration 3 Damage Increase 25% Physical Resist 3% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 4% Poison Resist 17% Energy Resist 4% Strength Requirement 20 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Ring of the Elements Кольцо Элементов Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Luck 100 Fire Resist 16% Cold Resist 16% Poison Resist 16% Energy Resist 16% |
Ring of the Vile Кольцо Виля Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Dexterity Bonus 8 Stamina Regeneration 6 Hit Chance Increase 15% Poison Resist 20% |
Возможен в виде Enchanted Артефакта |
Serpent's Fang Змеиный Зуб Weight: 2 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Hit Poison Area 100% Hit Chance Increase 15% Damage Increase 50% Poison Resist 16% Physical Damage 25% Poison Damage 75% Weapon Damage 10 - 12 Weapon Speed 2s Strength Requirement 10 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Fencing Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Armor Ignore Infectious Strike |
Shadow Dancer Leggings Штаны Призрачного Танцора Weight: 4 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 +20 Stealing +20 Stealth Physical Resist 17% Fire Resist 4% Cold Resist 3% Poison Resist 18% Energy Resist 18% Strength Requirement 20 Durability 255 / 255 |
Spirit of the Totem Дух Тотема Weight: 5 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Strength Bonus 20 Reflect Physical Damage 15% Hit Chance Increase 15% Physical Resist 20% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 8% Poison Resist 4% Energy Resist 4% Strength Requirement 10 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Возможен в виде Enchanted Артефакта |
Staff of the Magi Посох Мага Weight: 6 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Spell Channeling Mage Weapon -0 Skill Faster Casting 1 Damage Increase 50% Energy Damage 100% Weapon Damage 13 - 16 Weapon Speed 2.75s Strength Requirement 35 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Mace Fighting Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Whirlwind Attack Paralyzing Blow |
The Berserker's Maul Булава Берсерка Weight: 8 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Swing Speed Increase 75% Damage Increase 50% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 14 - 16 Weapon Speed 3.5s Strength Requirement 45 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Mace Fighting Durability: 255 / 255 |
Double Strike Concussion Blow |
The Deceiver Обманщик Weight: 8 Stones Sparks 20% Damage Increase 75% Hit Energy Area 75% Hit Lower Attack 20% Hit Lower Defense 20% Hit Stamina Leech 30% Lower Mana Cost 8% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 16 - 19 Weapon Speed 3.5s Strength Requirement 40 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Swordsmanship Durability 255 / 255 |
Double Strike Shadow Strike |
The Dragon Slayer Убийца Драконов Weight: 12 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Dragon Slayer Luck 110 Damage Increase 50% Fire Resist 20% Use Best Weapon Skill Energy Damage 100% Weapon Damage 17 - 18 Weapon Speed 4.5s Strength Requirement 95 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Fencing Durability: 255 / 255 |
Dismount Concussion Blow |
The Dryad Bow Лук Дриады Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 +5 or +10 Random Skill Self Repair 5 Swing Speed Increase 50% Damage Increase 35% Poison Resist 15% Physical Damage 100% Weapon Damage 15 - 19 Weapon Speed 4.25s Range 10 Strength Requirement 30 Two-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Archery Durability 255 / 255 |
Paralyzing Blow Mortal Strike |
The Scholar’s Halo Бандана Ореол Учёного Weight: 1 Stone Mana Increase 15 Mana Regeneration 2 Faster Casting 1 Spell Damage Increase 15% Lower Mana Cost 10% Physical Resist 15% Fire Resist 15% Cold Resist 15% Poison Resist 15% Energy Resist 15% Strength Requirement 10 Durability 255 / 255 |
The Taskmaster Надзиратель Weight: 9 Stones Artifact Rarity 10 Hit Poison Area 100% Dexterity Bonus 5 Hit Chance Increase 15% Damage Increase 50% Poison Damage 100% Weapon Damage 12 - 13 Weapon Speed 2.5s Strength Requirement 45 One-Handed Weapon Skill Required: Fencing Durability: 255 / 255 |
Использует дополнительные абилки: Bleed Attack Disarm |
Tunic of Fire Туника Огня Weight: 7 Stones Artifact Rarity 11 Self Repair 5 Night Sight Reflect Physical Damage 15% Physical Resist 24% Fire Resist 34% Cold Resist 4% Poison Resist 1% Energy Resist 2% Strength Requirement 60 Durability: 255 / 255 |
Voice of the Fallen King Голос Падшего Короля Weight: 1 Stone Artifact Rarity 11 Strength Bonus 8 Hit Point Regeneration 5 Stamina Regeneration 3 Physical Resist 2% Fire Resist 4% Cold Resist 18% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 18% Strength Requirement 20 Durability: 255 / 255 |