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Артефакты Дума
(Doom Gauntlet Artifacts)
Подземелье Дум (Doom) является источником довольно редких артефактов в Ultima Online - Doom Gauntlet Artifacts.
Для получения стандартных Артефактов Doom, вы должны победить определенных монстров в Doom Gauntlet (локация Малас):

* Dark Fathers
* Darknight Creepers
* Fleshrenderers

* Impalers
* Shadow Knights
* Abyssmal Horrors

Артефакты падают непосредственно в ваш рюкзак (backpack).
Изредка вам могут упасть Enchanted Артефакты. Это Артефакты аналогичные по своим свойствам Фракционным Артефактам, но даются вам навсегда и носятся как обычные Артефакты (без учета фракции).

Помимо самих Артефактов в подземелье падают теперь рецепты на некоторые Артефакты, которые можно только смастерить самому:
- Bracelet of Primal Consumption
- Britches of Warding
- Cuffs of the Archmage
- Gloves of Feudal Grip
В таблице они также показаны со всеми свойствами.

Ultima Online: Gabriel the Doom Artifacts Keeper
Gabriel the Doom Artifacts Keeper прибыл из дальних стран, он с радостью обменяет ваши 5 Дум Артов на любой другой Дум Арт.
Берёт за свои услуги - 1.000.000 золотых монет.
Он будет рад вас видеть на Базаре в Магинции, рядом с Петселлерами.
Новые выделенные артефакты Gabriel пока не выдаёт.
Выменять у него обычные Doom Артефакты на Enchanted Doom Артефакт - не возможно.

Arcane Shield
Armor of Fortune
Axe of the Heavens
Blade of Insanity
Bone Crusher
Bow of Infinite Swarms
Bracelet of Health
Bracelet of Primal Consumption
Breath of the Dead
Britches of Warding
Cuffs of the Archmage
Divine Countenance
Gauntlets of Nobility
Gloves of Feudal Grip
Hat of the Magi
Helm of Insight
Holy Knight's Breastplate
Hunter's Headdress
Jackal's Collar
Legacy of the Dread Lord
Leggings of Bane
Midnight Bracers
Ornament of the Magician
Ornate Crown of the Harrower
Ring of the Elements
Ring of the Vile
Serpent's Fang
Shadow Dancer Leggings
Spirit of the Totem
Staff of the Magi
The Berserker's Maul
The Deceiver
The Dragon Slayer
The Dryad Bow
The Scholar’s Halo
The Taskmaster
Tunic of Fire
Voice of the Fallen King

А также в вы можете найти в различных местах Doom подземелья артефакты, которые можно только украсть - Doom stealables Artifacts:
Ultima Online: Blade of the Righteous Blade of the Righteous
Weight: 7 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Demon Slayer
Hit Life Leech 87%
Hit Point Increase 10
Damage Increase 50%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15 - 16
Weapon Speed 3.5s
Strength Requirement 35
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online: The Inquisitor's Resolution The Inquisitor's Resolution
(возможно найти в виде Enchanted Артефакта)
Weight: 10 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 17%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 70
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online: Titan's Hammer Titan's Hammer
Ultima Online: Zyronic Claw
Zyronic Claw

- и прочие декоративные предметы.

Артефакты Дума
Щит Эгида
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ægis
Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Self Repair 5
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 90
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ægis
Arcane Shield
Arcane щит
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Arcane Shield
Weight: 5 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Spell Channeling
Night Sight
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Faster Casting 1
Energy Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Arcane Shield
Armor of Fortune
Броня Фортуны
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Armor of Fortune
Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Luck 200
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Reagent Cost 40%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 4%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 35
Durability 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Armor of Fortune
Axe of the Heavens
Топор Небес
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Axe of the Heavens
Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Lightning 50%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15 - 17
Weapon Speed 3.25s
Strength Requirement 45
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Axe of the Heavens
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Double Strike
Whirlwind Attack
Blade of Insanity
Клинок Безумия
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Blade of Insanity
Weight: 6 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Stamina Leech 100%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11 - 13
Weapon Speed 2.5s
Strength Requirement 25
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Blade of Insanity
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Double Strike
Armor Ignore
Bone Crusher
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Bone Crusher
Weight: 17 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Lower Defense 50%
Strength Bonus 10
Damage Increase 75%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 16 - 17
Weapon Speed 4s
Strength Requirement 80
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Bone Crusher
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Crushing Blow
Mortal Strike
Bow of Infinite Swarms
Лук с роем
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Bow of Infinite Swarms
Weight: 5 Stones
Swarm 20%
Damage Increase 50%
Hit Mana Leech 50%
Hit Stamina Leech 50%
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 8
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Speed 4s
Range 10
Strength Requirement 45
Skill Required: Archery
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Bow of Infinite Swarms
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Armor Ignore
Moving Shot
Bracelet Of Health
Браслет Здоровья
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Bracelet Of Health
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Point Increase 5
Hit Point Regeneration 10
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Bracelet Of Health
Bracelet of Primal Consumption
Браслет Первичного расхода
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Bracelet of Primal Consumption
Weight: 1 Stone
Luck 200
Damage Eater 6%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 20%
Cold Resist 20%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Bracelet of Primal Consumption
Craft Art: требуется рецепт
Breath of the Dead
Дыхание Мертвых
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Breath of the Dead
Weight: 3 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Harm 25%
Hit Life Leech 100%
Damage Increase 50%
Spell Damage Increase 5%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13 - 15
Weapon Speed 3s
Strength Requirement 25
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Breath of the Dead
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Paralyzing Blow
Mortal Strike
Britches of Warding
Бриджи Караульного
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Britches of Warding
Weight: 7 Stones
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Stamina Increase 12
Random Damage Eater 9%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 20%
Cold Resist 20%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Strength Requirement 60
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Britches of Warding
Craft Art: требуется рецепт
Cuffs of the Archmage
Манжеты Archmage
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Cuffs of the Archmage
Weight: 2 Stones
+15 Resisting Spells
Mage Armor
Mana Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 20%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 55
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: Cuffs of the Archmage
Craft Art: требуется рецепт
Divine Countenance
Божественный Лик
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Divine Countenance
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 9%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 25%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Divine Countenance
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Frostbringer
Weight: 6 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Dispel 50%
Stamina Regeneration 10
Damage Increase 50%
Cold Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15 - 19
Weapon Speed 4.25s
Range 10
Strength Requirement 30
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Archery
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Frostbringer
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Paralyzing Blow
Mortal Strike
Gauntlets of Nobility
Перчатки Благородства
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Gauntlets of Nobility
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Strength Bonus 8
Luck 100
Damage Increase 20%
Physical Resist 18%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 1%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 40
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Gauntlets of Nobility
Дубинка Glenda
Ultima Online. Doom Artifacts: Glenda
Weight: 9 Stones
Bone Breaker
Damage Increase 100%
Hit Lower Defense 70%
Hit Mana Leech 20%
Strength Bonus 16
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10 - 14
Weapon Speed 2.5s
Strength Requirement 40
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artifacts: Glenda
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Shadow Strike
Gloves of Feudal Grip
Перчатки Жёсткого Захвата
Ultima Online. Doom Artifacts: Gloves of Feudal Grip
Weight: 2 Stone
Damage Increase 30%
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 8
Strength Bonus 8
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 75
Durability: 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artifacts: Gloves of Feudal Grip
Craft Art: требуется рецепт
Hat of the Magi
Шляпа Волхвов
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Hat of the Magi
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 9%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Hat of the Magi
Helm of Insight
Шлем Проницательности
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Helm of Insight
Weight: 5 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Increase 15
Mana Regeneration 2
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 17%
Strength Requirement 80
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Helm of Insight
Holy Knight's Breastplate
Кираса Священного Рыцаря
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Holy Knight's Breastplate
Weight: 10 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Point Increase 10
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Physical Resist 35%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 2%
Strength Requirement 95
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Holy Knight's Breastplate
Hunter's Headdress
Головной убор Охотника
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Hunter's Headdress
Weight: 4 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
+20 Archery
Dexterity Bonus 8
Night Sight
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 1%
Energy Resist 7%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255
Возможен в виде
Enchanted Артефакта

The Abyss. Ultima Online: Hunter's Headdress
Jackal's Collar
Воротник Шакала
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Jackal's Collar
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Dexterity Bonus 15
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 2%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Jackal's Collar
Legacy of the Dread Lord
Наследие Ужасного Лорда
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Legacy of the Dread Lord
Weight: 7 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Spell Channeling
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 17 - 18
Weapon Speed 3.75s
Strength Requirement 45
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Legacy of the Dread Lord
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Paralyzing Blow

Leggings of Bane
Леггинсы Бэни
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Leggings of Bane
Weight: 7 Stones
Durability 100%
Artifact Rarity 11
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Chance Increase 20%
Physical Resist 4%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 36%
Energy Resist 2%
Strength Requirement 60
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Leggings of Bane
Midnight Bracers
Полночные Нарукавники
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Midnight Bracers
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
+20 Necromancy
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Physical Resist 23%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 2%
Energy Resist 4%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 55
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Midnight Bracers
Ornament of the Magician
Украшение Чародея
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ornament of the Magician
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Faster Casting 2
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Energy Resist 15%
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ornament of the Magician
Ornate Crown of the Harrower
Увенчание Харровера
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ornate Crown of the Harrower
Weight: 3 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Stamina Regeneration 3
Damage Increase 25%
Physical Resist 3%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 17%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ornate Crown of the Harrower
Ring of the Elements
Кольцо Элементов
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ring of the Elements
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Luck 100
Fire Resist 16%
Cold Resist 16%
Poison Resist 16%
Energy Resist 16%
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ring of the Elements
Ring of the Vile
Кольцо Виля
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ring of the Vile
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Dexterity Bonus 8
Stamina Regeneration 6
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Poison Resist 20%
Возможен в виде
Enchanted Артефакта
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Ring of the Vile
Serpent's Fang
Змеиный Зуб
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Serpent's Fang
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Poison Area 100%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Damage Increase 50%
Poison Resist 16%
Physical Damage 25%
Poison Damage 75%
Weapon Damage 10 - 12
Weapon Speed 2s
Strength Requirement 10
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Serpent's Fang
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Armor Ignore
Infectious Strike
Shadow Dancer Leggings
Штаны Призрачного Танцора
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Shadow Dancer Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
+20 Stealing
+20 Stealth
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Shadow Dancer Leggings
Spirit of the Totem
Дух Тотема
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Spirit of the Totem
Weight: 5 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Strength Bonus 20
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 8%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255
Возможен в виде
Enchanted Артефакта

The Abyss. Ultima Online: Spirit of the Totem
Staff of the Magi
Посох Мага
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Staff of the Magi
Weight: 6 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Spell Channeling
Mage Weapon -0 Skill
Faster Casting 1
Damage Increase 50%
Energy Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13 - 16
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 35
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Staff of the Magi
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Whirlwind Attack
Paralyzing Blow
The Berserker's Maul
Булава Берсерка
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Berserker's Maul
Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Swing Speed Increase 75%
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 14 - 16
Weapon Speed 3.5s
Strength Requirement 45
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Berserker's Maul
Double Strike
Concussion Blow
The Deceiver
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: The Deceiver
Weight: 8 Stones
Sparks 20%
Damage Increase 75%
Hit Energy Area 75%
Hit Lower Attack 20%
Hit Lower Defense 20%
Hit Stamina Leech 30%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 16 - 19
Weapon Speed 3.5s
Strength Requirement 40
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: The Deceiver
Double Strike
Shadow Strike
The Dragon Slayer
Убийца Драконов
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Dragon Slayer
Weight: 12 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Dragon Slayer
Luck 110
Damage Increase 50%
Fire Resist 20%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Energy Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 17 - 18
Weapon Speed 4.5s
Strength Requirement 95
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Dragon Slayer
Concussion Blow
The Dryad Bow
Лук Дриады
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Dryad Bow
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
+5 or +10 Random Skill
Self Repair 5
Swing Speed Increase 50%
Damage Increase 35%
Poison Resist 15%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15 - 19
Weapon Speed 4.25s
Range 10
Strength Requirement 30
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Archery
Durability 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Dryad Bow
Paralyzing Blow
Mortal Strike
The Scholar’s Halo
Бандана Ореол Учёного
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: The Scholar’s Halo
Weight: 1 Stone
Mana Increase 15
Mana Regeneration 2
Faster Casting 1
Spell Damage Increase 15%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
Ultima Online. Doom Artefacts: The Scholar’s Halo
The Taskmaster
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Taskmaster
Weight: 9 Stones
Artifact Rarity 10
Hit Poison Area 100%
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Damage Increase 50%
Poison Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 12 - 13
Weapon Speed 2.5s
Strength Requirement 45
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: The Taskmaster
Использует дополнительные абилки:
Bleed Attack
Tunic of Fire
Туника Огня
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Tunic of Fire
Weight: 7 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Self Repair 5
Night Sight
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Physical Resist 24%
Fire Resist 34%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 1%
Energy Resist 2%
Strength Requirement 60
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Tunic of Fire
Voice of the Fallen King
Голос Падшего Короля
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Voice of the Fallen King
Weight: 1 Stone
Artifact Rarity 11
Strength Bonus 8
Hit Point Regeneration 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability: 255 / 255
The Abyss. Ultima Online: Voice of the Fallen King


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